K-CAP - the pressure limiter crown cap

The KCAP project timeline

Assieme K-CAP

Nov 2015, Montegioco, Italy

KCAP turns from idea to something more real. Davide explains the idea to Marco, and together they ask some friend, to help them creating a prototype. They call an engineer working for an big italian valve industry (il john) and an experienced patent attorney (carluccio). The journey begins.

As you can see KCAP had in its firts version a piston / spring valve system. Complex but robust, strong. The crown cap had 3 holes to deflate pressure, protected by an hydrophobic membrane.

Tappo embrionale Tappino vintage

whole 2016, Tortona, Italy

Very homemade prototypes. The idea is good, we got valves, we got membranes, but. How it’s goin to behave on temperature deltas? Will it oxydate the beer overtime? How about the membranes?


Paperworks. PCT patent

Nov 2016, Tortona, Italy

Still working on paperworks. Patents, attorneys, PCT.
In the meantime real prototyping experts of the? Pro-Plast Labs in Tortona are in charge to set the project more industrializable and financially sustainable. The industrial assembly procedure was our main issue. Too many pieces.

Ramaplast and K-CAP

May 2017, Alzano Scrivia, Italy

Ramaplast SPA is now in charge for the KCAP industrialization and beta test versions. In the picture you can see all (too many) pieces of the KCAP: spring, piston, sleeve, membranes, holed crown cap. It works but the single unit price is too high. It’s not so reliable on temperature as we wish.

R&D never stops.

Summer 2017, Montegioco, Italy

We wanted to crownfund the KCAP but we never did it. We payed the whole project from our pockets because we never printed the pledges. Hats, t-shirts, glasses. Smart marketers onboard 😀

PS The fireplace was on for scenic reasons. The video is in italian language because we said – “and now we just have to record the english voiceover…”

Jan 2018, Firenze, Italy

Lorenzo Dabove Kuaska, the famous italian beer guru talks about the KCAP at the Birraio dell’Anno (italian craft brewer of the year) Awards in Firenze. Davide is on stage for Birra Montegioco.


2018&2019, Alzano Scrivia, Italy

The KCAPS entire tech paradigm get revolutioned. No more springs and pistons. A new valve gets implemented. Industrialization is easier. Future Unit Price falls.


K-CAP crown cap with inner pressure control valve

2020, Tortona, Italy

We’re waiting for some dozen of thousands BETA TEST version to distribute. KCAPS BETA TESTERS ENROLLING campaign will start soon! (for real, this time, approx: spring 2020).
Keep in touch. You’ll be able to receive a sample of KCAPS for your tests on beer, kombucha, sparkling wines.